If I ever have to hear or see Trump again, after he is plowed under in this election, it will be 50 billion years too soon.

If I ever have to hear or see Trump again, after he is plowed under in this election, it will be 50 billion years too soon.

They’re closing the Ambelokipi Carrefour.

oh no

This supermarket, just up the street from my old apartment in Ambelokipi was a lot to me. It was my entertainment, my nourishment, my consumerist embassy from the first world of Europe here in nulle part d’ailleurs Greece. Spent so much time in here, now it’s gone. Carrefour, the French parent company upped stakes and went back to France, giving up on Greece. Oh well. Adieu. Ne laissez pas la porte vous frapper dans le dos en sortant. (Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.)

Bricked my phone last night while trying to revert from a crap update.

Bricked my phone last night while trying to revert from a crap update. I was sure it was dead. I grieved. Then, after a white night, I did my Lazarus trick through a hidden backdoor routine. Hallelujah! He has risen.